Learn how to play the Roman factions in the Empire Divided DLC for Total War: ROME II.
ROME II – Empire Divided: How to Play Roman Factions (2/2)
Learn how to play the Roman factions in the Empire Divided DLC for Total War: ROME II with this handy guide.
There are 3 major Roman factions available to play: Palmyra, Gallic Rome and Rome, who all receive the "Defenders of Civilisation" trait, giving them a 15% morale buff to all units when fighting in allied territory. They also receive a major diplomatic penalty with other Roman factions as a result of the "True Roman" trait.
Palymra, lead by the regent Queen Zenobia, receive the "Enlightenment Ruler" trait, granting them a 20% boost to the research rate. They also benefit from "Piety", which gives a -4 bonus to banditry for each cult building owned.
Zenobia begins as the smallest Roman faction and will need to rely on her superior technology to keep up with Rome and Gallic Rome.
Led by the fearsome Tetricus, Gallic Rome benefit the "Romanisation" and "Administrators" traits which grant a bonus to public order when Latin culture is present and -20% political action costs respectively.
Gallic Rome will look to build a strong base at the start of the game, using public order buffs to keep cities happy whilst their armies are away fighting.
Aurelian, the feared leader of Rome, benefit from the "Iron Fist" trait, giving his faction a -50% resistance to foreign occupation. They also posses the "Marching Orders" trait, providing them with a 15% movement range bonus for all armies.
Both Rome and Gallic Rome both have several client states the start of the campaign who will aid in wars. Be sure to keep a close eye on them as they may look to break away.
ROME II – Empire Divided: How to Play Non-Roman Factions (1/2)
Learn how to play the non-Roman factions in the Empire Divided DLC for Total War: ROME II.
Learn how to play the non-Roman factions in the Empire Divided DLC for Total War: ROME II with this handy guide.
The Germanic Kingdoms, consisting of the Saxoni, the Gothi and the Marcomanni, all receive the "Terrors of the Night" trait, allowing them to initiate battles at night; along with the "Looters and Raiders" trait, giving them an additional 150% income from raiding and sacking.
The Eastern Empires are comprised of the Sassanids and Armenia, who both benefit from the "Centralised Authority" trait which provides a -5 to banditry in all provinces and the "Silk Road" trait which gives a 20% buff to all commerce buildings in all regions.
Only containing one faction, the Alani, are the Nomadic Tribes. They posses the "Nomadic Archers" trait which grants them 25% more ammunition for all units and the "Warlike People" trait, giving them +3 army recruitment slots in their home province.
Lastly, the Britannic Celts are comprised of the Caledoni, posses the "Heroic Culture" and "Sacred Springs" traits, granting them a 20% charge bonus for all units and +6 sanitation to all provinces respectively.
Each of these factions also posses their own unique traits, such as the Saxoni who benefit from the "Voyagers" trait giving them an additional 20% movement range for any fleets they own.
ROME II – Empire Divided: Explaining the New Campaign Features
Learn about the new campaign features coming in the Empire Divided DLC for Total War: ROME II.
Learn about the new campaign features coming in the Empire Divided DLC for Total War: ROME II with this handy guide.
Banditry is on the rise, as the authority over roman lands have diminished in recent years. Bread roaming marauders now scour the lands, looking to raid minor settlements and trade routes. In the Empire Divided campaign, the province detail tab now displays a banditry bar which increases as your empire grows. When banditry is on the rise, you will see a decline in a province's food output, which could lead to a global food shortage. Combat this by constructing certain local buildings and mustering more armies.
Plagues have been reworked and are now tied closely to the sanitation levels within each province. The lower a province's sanitation, the higher the risk of an outbreak which has a chance to trigger each turn. Plagues can spread from city to city following marching armies and trade routes.
The 3rd century has seen the rise of mysterious cults, represented in Empire Divided by new building chains. There are three different cults to choose from, Christianity, Mithraism and Manichaeism, each offering different bonuses and drawbacks.
New events and missions will challenge you throughout the campaign including a set of religious events unique to each cult, as well as prophecy and banditry events.
Rome, Gallic Rome, Palmyra, The Sassanids and The Gothi all have their own unique leader events, allowing you to improve their respective faction leaders through a series of choices.
New additional buildings have been added such as the "administration" building chain, which is exclusive to the Roman factions, dealing with tax collections, agent improvement and countering banditry. Each faction also have their own versions of a new naval training building.
Finally, all technologies have been completely restructured and revamped to better suit the new factions.